Cataloging and Library Organization


Cataloging Helps

There are many ways to organize a church library.  Some librarians use the Dewey Decimal System, others use color dots to categorize materials. Each library is unique and you should feel free to use whatever system works best for your situation. We have selected a few resources that might prove helpful as you determine how to organize your collection.


WorldCat - WorldCat connects you to the collections and services of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide

Library of Congress Online Catalog - search to find books and MARC records

OCLC Classify - search by ISBN, UPC, or title/author to see how libraries classify items with the Dewey Decimal system

What's Next: Books in Series - search this database to find books in series by author, title, or series

WISCAT - search this combined catalog for Wisconsin libraries for books, and more

Dewey Summaries

A complete list of Dewey classifications.

Dewey Decimal Classification Guide (202 KB)

This list provides detailed 200 religion class Dewey classifications.

Library Automation Software

Managing your church library can be a big job, but computer software can make the job much easier.  There are a variety of ways to keep track of all the materials in your library.  Some libraries record their collection in a notebook while others are able to purchase sophisticated software to get the job done.  The following websites offer a few options for you to consider:


Concourse - offers 4  levels of searching, cataloging and reporting features; pricing based on annual budget

Library Thing - catalog your books online -- free for the first 200 books

Readerware - cataloging software for all types of media; available for Macs; free trial

ResourceMate - good automation system for small to medium libraries; can download demo version 

Many librarians also use word processing, spreadsheet, or database programs such as Microsoft Office or Open Office.

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